Monday, April 23, 2012

Heat Wave and My Weekend Escape

This weekend us Portlanders got a bit of a heat wave (which for us is about 80 degrees) but we aren't used to it. So we escaped to the coast for a drive. I went on a hike (3400 feet up) which kicked my butt but I got some great exercise and a great view. I also went to Sauvie Island to read on the beach with a great book while he fished. Of course I ended up with an embarrassing sun burn (oops) but I loved the sunshine and warm weather anyway. And I planted some vegetable and fruit plants because it is a Portlander thing to do when it gets warm...grow your own food. I just hope I keep everything alive.

Sauvie Island

Hiking 3,400 feet and my view

My tomato, onion, and strawberry plants

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